Annual Report RR 2022 Attachments: ENG_Raport_2023_2023-06-30_en IFC_auditors_2023-06-30_en POL_Raport_2023_2023-06-30_pl Legal basis: Other regulations A person representing the Company: Damian Patrowicz, Member of the Management Board
Notice on Calling an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE
Current report 11/2023 Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145 Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of…
Publication of an updated Information Document
Current report 10/2023 With reference to the current report No. 8/2023 of July 13, 2023, the Management Board of the Company publishes a new updated Information Document. This Document has been drawn up pursuant to Article 1 sec. 5 lit. g_ Regulation _EU_ 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of…
Protocol of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Investment Friends Capital SE of 21/07/2023
Current report 9/2023 Place of holding the meeting: Plock, ul. Padlewskiego 18C, 09-402, Poland. Time of the meeting: 21 July 2023, starting at 13.00 _CET_. Pursuant to the printout from the central database of the registration department of the Tartu County Court dated 21 July 2023, and in accordance with…
Publication of a new Information Document
Current report 8/2023 Due to the expiration of the Information Document published by the Company on November 2, 2021 on the Company’s website and current report ESPI No. 12/2021, which was updated with Supplement No. 1 published by the Company on the Company’s website and current report No. 8/2022 of…
Notice on Calling an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE
Current report 7/2023 The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145 Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 21 July 2023,…
Information regarding Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders that was not held
Current report 6/2023 The Management Board of Investment Friends Capital SE _registry code: 14618005_ headquartered Tornimäe tn 5,10145, Tallinn, Estoniai informs that the General Meeting of Shareholders convened on 21 June 2023 was not held because of the fact that there was no registered Shareholders who have been entitled to…
Korekta numeru raportu bieżącego z dnia 2.06.2023 r. Correction of the current report number of June 2, 2023.
Current report 5/2023 Zarząd Investment Friends Capital SE niniejszym informuje, że RB 3/2023 z dnia 2 czerwca 2023 r. w wyniku oczywistej pomyłki pisarskiej ma błędny numer. Raport powinien mieć numer RB 4/2023. Treść raportu nie uległa zmianie. The Management Board of Investment Friends Capital SE hereby informs that current…
Information on the illegal suspension of the Issuer’s quotations
Current report 3/2023 The Management Board of Investment Friends Capital SE informs that in connection with the request of a person claiming to be an attorney of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, whose name has not been determined, sent to the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the Issuer’s quotations have been suspended…
Notice on Calling an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE
Current report 3/2023 Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876 The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS CAPITAL SE _corporate ID code:14618005_, registered address: Harju maakond, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145 Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date…